Move non-estential fields to "advanced options"
In projects section:
create expansion panel. -
move optional project fields into expansion panel. -
front end: Replace the dns inputs with a "Bootstrap with product dns" checkbox. -
front end: hostname field that defaults to sanitized group name if empty -
back end: configure the dns to use environment variables and the product name as the hostname. - Target environment (can be derived from environment of valkyrie deployment)
environment variable
- App Host name (can be derived from product name)
Use group name (product name) for example would be Launchboard or valkyrie.
Twistlock config (derived from project):
registry hostname environment variable. -
front end: add twistlock checkbox -
backend: use twistlock checkbox variable to generate the twistlock config from the environment variables.
Generate services automagically
- Frontend
remove the service inputs (other than port) -
checkbox in group to bootstrap manifest repo -
if ^ checked enable the port input (default 8080) otherwise disable.
- Backend
- if bootstrap manifest repo
iterate projects and create manifest project from the product.
- if bootstrap manifest repo
- Frontend
ci config path (derived from "gitlab" project path)
move to backend -
environment variables -
CI_CONFIG_REPO = platform-one/devops/pipeline-products -
generate ci confiig using CI_CONFIG_PATH_PREFIX
Simplify the gitlab path inputs
- Frontend:
remove the product team input -
rename and relabel the root group input to be the path to new group -
Update the product name label to be something more descriptive and accurate.
- Backend:
remove all uses of the productTeam. and update fields for the group path.
- Frontend:
ci/cd variables (derived from gitlab project)
- Group:
- Project:
MANIFEST_IMAGE = project name
- Group:
fortify config language (derived from bootstrap repo language)
Send values to front end -
Use selection box in advanced features