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ChatOps ADR

joshwolf requested to merge adr-chatops into master

[Platform One ChatOps] Architectural Decision Record




Platform One mattermost collaboration is the cornerstone of the ways we collaborate on a daily basis. The way we structure the teams and channels will impact how we work and either help or limit the amount of collaboration that occurs. We must think through how we create an environment that supports our core values.


  1. Completely Open (One team, many public channels). We can limit the ability for anyone in Platform One to create ONLY public channels. This allows for direct messages for up to 7 folks as required, and force about 80-90% of all message traffic into the public team area. This will increase transparency of the whole organization and limit redundancy in communication.

2. Completely Open (Many public teams, many public channels). We can open the team creation to everyone, and all teams will be public and searchable. Might get confusing with the number of teams and crap and increase admin overhead, but it would allow more flexibility and would keep private channel clutter down. Uses MM probably similar to how it was intended. Moved to full community ADR as this is ADR is just for P1 Team

  1. Semi-Private (One team, many channels via admin) . We can limit the ability for ADMINs to create private channels. This will limit private channels, but still make some of the information private.

4. Private on multiple teams (Many private teams, many private channels. We can allow ANYONE to create teams on this instance. This will allow anyone to create a team, so they can limit access to information as required, but will again limit the flow of information and create redundant teams. One mitigation would be to make all teams public, so they can be searchable and joinable by anyone. Moved to full community ADR as this is ADR is just for P1 Team






  • If we get it wrong, we will create the wrong culture and organizational standards
  • Semi-private will create more overhead work for admins
  • World Hunger
Edited by Collin Chew

Merge request reports