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Mark Howard's avatar
Mark Howard authored
Fixing linting issues

See merge request !43

Collector Jira Workflow

Set up

  1. Install go version 1.19.x, golangci-lint
  2. Run npm i.
  3. Use go mod edit -module <your module name> to change the name of your go project in go.mod (don't need to do this step unless you want to change the module name of your project).
  4. Setting up VSCode linting intellisense (Optional):
    • Go to Go extension in marketplace (install go extension by "Go Team at Google")
    • Click on the settings icon
    • Click Extension Settings
    • Scroll all the way down and click Edit settings.json
    • Add these two lines:
       "go.lintTool": "golangci-lint",
       "go.lintFlags": [
    ], ``` By default the .husky/pre-commit hook runs linting with golangci-lint version `v1.46.2` in a docker container as of this writing, but that can be configured to your liking, as well as forked and configured. Ultimately, this pre commit hook golangci-lint version will be the linting version you should be targetting.
  5. Happy coding.

How to run Benchmark test comparison between two versions

First off you will need to install benchstat for go. Then you can do the following:

  1. Write the benchmark test in a file, and run the command
  2. go test -bench=<BenchmarkFunctionName> -benchmem -count 5 -run=^# ./... | tee performance/old.txt for your old implementation, and go test -bench=<BenchmarkFunctionName> -benchmem -count 5 -run=^# ./... | tee performance/new.txt for your new implementation where only the implementation called in the benchmark is changed.
  3. run /path/to/benchstat performance/old.txt performance/new.txt > performance/last-diff.txt (running this command from the main repo path), and you have a decreasing delta on the new version, you are doing better than in performance than the old version for (speed, memory etc.)
name old time/op new time/op delta
CollectRepositories/it_should_collect_and_prune_repositories-12 1.60ms ±47% 1.59ms ±47% ~ (p=0.690 n=5+5)
name old alloc/op new alloc/op delta
CollectRepositories/it_should_collect_and_prune_repositories-12 4.42MB ±54% 4.40MB ±54% ~ (p=0.690 n=5+5)
name old alloc/op new alloc/op delta
CollectRepositories/it_should_collect_and_prune_repositories-12 354 ± 0% 353 ± 0% -0.28% (p=0.008 n=5+5)
  1. Don't forget to remove old.txt and new.txt before commiting.

e2e tests

We are using cypress for our e2e tests. You can run cypress in dev mode by first starting your dev environment, and running npx cypress run --config-file cypress/config/development.json (This won't work right now since we are still on Cypress9. The way to test e2e on dev manually at the moment is to install cypress version 9.7.0--which might ot work on everyone's computer--as dev dependency and run npm run test:e2e. This command needs to go away after the migration). For e2e tests in pipeline, we do not need any of the dependencies, and just package.json which has the scripts command npm run test:e2e-ci which uses pipeline's cypress.

Additionally, if you have multiple containers of this collector deployed, you can simply fill in the configuration for each instance deployment based on starting url of your gitlab for deploymentInstances. This configuration is found for cypress in cypress/config/pipeline.json and cypress/config/development.json