Updated Chart to 3.6.0 for appVersion and version. Added v3.6.0 to values. Ran kpt pkg update chart@v3.6.0 --strategy alpha-git-patch
This create merge conflicts where it tried to reset registries to github. I kept the original changes that had registry1. However, after these changes, gatekeeper does not work. Build helper container will not start
@olelink if you're referring to the pipeline...that's unrelated to your changes. It's unfortunately a function of our inconsistent runners. In general a retry will work (I just retried and it's running now). We have some backlog issues to work some of these pipeline inconsistencies.
In the meantime if you run into that, retry the job.
Thanks @micah.nagel but something went wrong with my kpt command as I created a new branch and ran the same command and the number of changes from main are different. The new branch passed
Jordan Olacheamarked the checklist item Clean install tested and validated working (see things to test) as completed
marked the checklist item Clean install tested and validated working (see things to test) as completed
Jordan Olacheamarked the checklist item Upgrade tested and validated working (install newest tagged release, upgrade to your branch, then run through things to test) as completed
marked the checklist item Upgrade tested and validated working (install newest tagged release, upgrade to your branch, then run through things to test) as completed
Jordan Olacheamarked the checklist item Pipeline passing on package MR as completed
marked the checklist item Pipeline passing on package MR as completed
There is a bug in the upstream helm charts (bug report created in github) that doesn't support using a pullSecret for a private image of crdRelease. crdRelease is newly added in this version of gatekeeper. I started a workaround to apply the secret manually. This included adding to helpers.tpl and creating a secret in the upgrade-crds-hook.yaml. So far this has been unsuccessful. During testing, I have since moved the secret out of the upgrade-crds-hook.yaml and moved it into its own secret.yaml file. Running helm template, you can see the secret should deploy, however, it never does. If you kubectl apply the secret output from the template, it works. My current theory is that gatekeeper is somehow managing secrets created in the namespace during deployment and it is blocking it from being created.
As I do not have AWS access and can't test changes atm, I'm dropping this back in unassigned. If you are looking to do this task and have any questions, please let me know.