Attention Iron Bank Customers: On March 27, 2025, we are moving SBOM artifacts from the Anchore Scan job to the Build job to streamline the container hardening pipeline. If you currently download SBOMs from the Anchore Scan job, you can still get them from the Build job and from other sources, including IBFE and image attestations.
Determine which lightweight Git implementation to use for Gitops of BB install
We need to have a Git instance to use for the Gitops style install of BB into a cluster. In an air gap situation we might not have an outside git available for this. We need to determine what is the best light weight solution. Some things to explore are listed below.
Gitea - has a light weight front end and doesn't require a database.
Gogs - Light weight, but requires a mysql database.
Put a lightweight ssh server on the bastion host.
Put a lightweight ssh server in the cluster somewhere.
** There is no real need to have a front end UI for this Git instance. We can always move the GitRepository over into Gitlab as a later installation step.
See the diagram above for the chicken vs egg issue.
If customer does not have an existing git server then basic ssh & git user is all that is needed for airgap bootstrapping. Customer can choose to enable the gitlab addon as part of BB install.
Reopened per discussion with @cmcgrath, will need a http(s) version of git when operating in a ssh restricted environment. For now the accepted solution is simple ssh + git user, but this cannot be only solution as it does not cover all situations. @cmcgrath please add further details if needed.
Eric Goodeadded 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
added 1 deleted label and removed 1 deleted label
Eric Goodechanged title from Spike - Determine which lightweight Git implementation to use for Gitops of BB install to Determine which lightweight Git implementation to use for Gitops of BB install
changed title from Spike - Determine which lightweight Git implementation to use for Gitops of BB install to Determine which lightweight Git implementation to use for Gitops of BB install
Eric Goodechanged the descriptionCompare with previous version
There are environments that require use of OS settings that prevent use of ssh based git repo, (restrictions on ssh implementation).
Thus a HTTPS git repo implementation would be nice to see.
(Was typing while you were typing, only other detail is prob good idea to support HTTPS git repo with self signed CA)
There was a DM between customer's engineers and product team members working airgap.
We re-analysed the problem and brain stormed 2 possible solutions:
The problem: Customer is forced to use an AMI & ssh config that prevents the use of normal ssh.
1st possible solution: use HTTPS based git repo
2nd possible solution: use ssh based git repo inside of a container, and expose the container's ssh over a non standard port (and if flux complains about the non standard port use an LB to map 22 to the non standard port.)
Current plan being investigated is the 2nd possible solution since it's significantly less overhead (HTTPS involves Certs and CAs).
Issue completed, a solution is in place to use a Docker container to serve the git repos on ssh via a non-standard port. All artifacts have been added to the MR 363.