Research and Document best way for utilizing Vault secrets within BigBang
Work with integration team to determine best way for other applications to integrate with vault and consume secrets.
Document this strategy in the package and within BigBang.
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- Ryan Garcia added to epic &99 (closed)
added to epic &99 (closed)
- Ryan Garcia changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Ryan Garcia added Big Bang Add-Ons priority6 teamXForce labels
added Big Bang Add-Ons priority6 teamXForce labels
- Ryan Garcia set weight to 3
set weight to 3
- Ryan Garcia changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Nov 30, 2021 - Dec 13, 2021
changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Nov 30, 2021 - Dec 13, 2021
- Ryan Garcia changed title from Work with Integration to Research and Document best way for utilizing Vault secrets within BigBang to Research and Document best way for utilizing Vault secrets within BigBang
changed title from Work with Integration to Research and Document best way for utilizing Vault secrets within BigBang to Research and Document best way for utilizing Vault secrets within BigBang
- Ryan Thompson changed milestone to %1.23.0
changed milestone to %1.23.0
- Ryan Thompson marked this issue as related to #944 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #944 (closed)
- Michael Martin assigned to @michaelmartin
assigned to @michaelmartin
- Michael Martin added statusdoing label
added statusdoing label
- Author Contributor
Vault docs recommend the following:
NOT having ELB/reverse-proxy terminate TLS on Kubernetes:
Evaluate using ajent-injector (for app pods like argocd/gitlab/etc) vs using something like setting a pod up with a JWT and agent sidecar to auth with Vault:
- Author Contributor
Guide should also mention a tested example for gitlab-runners consuming Vault secrets, creating an admin user with "sudo" perms (BigBang has terraform for this too) and revoking the initial root user token.
I think I know the answer, but worth asking. Do we know the Vault deployment model that is being used or we need to support? i.e. Cloud/SaaS Vault, Self-managed external Vault, self-managed internal vault, etc.
- Michael Martin added statusreview label and removed statusdoing label
added statusreview label and removed statusdoing label
- Michael Martin created merge request !1155 (merged) to address this issue
created merge request !1155 (merged) to address this issue
- Michael Martin mentioned in merge request !1155 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !1155 (merged)
- Ryan Garcia marked this issue as related to #983 (closed)
marked this issue as related to #983 (closed)
- Ryan Garcia set weight to 1
set weight to 1
- Ryan Garcia removed milestone %1.23.0
removed milestone %1.23.0
- Ryan Garcia changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Dec 14, 2021 - Dec 27, 2021
changed iteration to Big Bang Iterations Dec 14, 2021 - Dec 27, 2021
- Branden Cobb mentioned in commit db4e2b37
mentioned in commit db4e2b37
- Branden Cobb closed with merge request !1155 (merged)
closed with merge request !1155 (merged)
- Michael Martin removed the relation with #944 (closed)
removed the relation with #944 (closed)
- bigbang bot removed statusreview label
removed statusreview label