Updated bb values.yaml to have a global value for image pull policy for all core packages
Package Merge Request
Package Changes
- Updated chart/values.yaml to include a global value for imagePullPolicy for all core packages (
) - Updated the values.yaml for all the core package template/spec in BB to make sure the global value is passed down to all core packages
- Updated image_pull_policy.md doc to show how to use the new global value for the core packages
For Issue
Closes #897 (closed)
Merge request reports
added statusreview label
requested review from @micah.nagel
- Automatically resolved by Tawsif Siddiqui
- Automatically resolved by Tawsif Siddiqui
added 1 commit
- 9994a792 - Updated the value for global imagePullPolicy
added 1 commit
- cdf9e449 - upated documentation for global image pull policy
- Resolved by Tawsif Siddiqui
- Resolved by Tawsif Siddiqui
- Resolved by Tawsif Siddiqui
- Resolved by Tawsif Siddiqui
requested review from @BrandenCobb and @ryan.j.garcia
Tested on my cluster, everything expected had pull policy set to whatever I set in my values
kubectl get po -A -o go-template='{{range $pod := .items}}{{range $container := $pod.spec.containers}}{{$pod.metadata.name}}{{" : "}}{{$container.image}}{{" : "}}{{$container.imagePullPolicy}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}'
for your go-template enjoyment @BrandenCobb @ryan.j.garcia ,
podname : containerimage : pullpolicy
. There are some pods we don't have this set on...jaeger, couple monitoring things, and maybe some others. Everything we know of overrides for works though.Edited by Micah Nageladded 9 commits
55324c12...264fec1b - 8 commits from branch
- aeb376b3 - Merge branch 'master' into test
55324c12...264fec1b - 8 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 63e09c4b
changed milestone to %1.23.0