Promtail needs selinux option type spc_t
All threads resolved!
All threads resolved!
General MR
promtail needs selinux permissions
discovered when deploying to dogfood cluster rhel worker nodes.
Edited by Michael Martin
Merge request reports
assigned to @michaelmartin
added promtail label
added statusreview label
added test-ciinfra label
removed test-ciinfra label
- Automatically resolved by Michael Martin
changed milestone to %1.22.0
added test-ciinfra label
- Resolved by Micah Nagel
In RKE2 pipeline:
level=error ts=2021-12-03T16:19:35.070831234Z caller=positions.go:175 msg="error writing positions file" error="open /run/promtail/positions.yaml-new: permission denied" level=warn ts=2021-12-03T16:19:40.638649575Z caller=logging.go:71 msg="GET /ready (500) 41.05µs Response: \"Not ready: Unable to find any logs to tail. Please verify permissions, volumes, scrape_config, etc.\\n\" ws: false;
Spam of these logs. Seems like we need to add some stuff to the package - Michael is on it, just posting for awareness.
added statusdoing label and removed statusreview label
added 5 commits
f983d164...264fec1b - 4 commits from branch
- 7a3d6651 - Merge branch 'master' into promtail_selinux_exception
f983d164...264fec1b - 4 commits from branch
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for 7a3d6651 succeeds
mentioned in commit 9e80a218
picked the changes into the branch
with commit d910337cmentioned in commit d910337c
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