Nov 16, 2021–Dec 3, 2021
Now (Team)
BigBang XForce
- Vault into Big bang - &99 (closed)
- Document BB Package Inclusion - &153 (closed)
- Appliance Mode - &123 (closed)
- finish - So Loki & Promtail have BigBang packages and PLG engine values available in BigBang
- Finalizing Package for Tempo in sandbox -
- big-bang-issue-triage bot (for stale issues) - &108 (closed)
BigBang CI/Infra
- Gitlab CI Cleanup - &116 (closed)
- Third Party Testing Framework - &118 (closed)
- Enhance Big Bang Merge Request Testing - &112 (closed)
- Design and Document AWS Architecture - bigbang#898
BigBang Core
- Istio enabled in Packages &111
- Cluster Auditor w/ Prometheus - &110 (closed)
- Kubernetes v1.22 Deprecation: &107 (closed)
- Consistent imagePullPolicy everywhere - &155 (closed)
- Big Bang Core through TOC -
- Add Kyverno for secrets propagation & validation of signed images bigbang#828
- Renovate Everywhere - platform-one/big-bang/apps/third-party&1
- Sysdig Falco Research Spike - &138 (closed)
Ironbank Updates - whatever Renovate Bot discovered.
Next (Shanks)
BigBang Execution
- Tenant Namespaces - &113 (closed) (needs decomposition)
- Big Bang Command Line Interface - &147 (closed)
- Pre-requisites research spike (needs decomposition)
BigBang CI/Infra
BigBang Core
Later (Anchors)
- Introduce Alerting Rules (depends on 54) - &55 (closed)
- Increased Auditing and Alerting - &46 (closed)
- Improve Third Party Experience - &44 (closed)
BigBang Integration
- Customer Feedback - &150 (closed)
- Improve metrics collection and dashboards (user stories) - &54 (closed)
- Update CONTRIBUTING guidelines and workflow (determine if public gitlab fork can merge to private gitlab) - &62 (closed)
BigBang Execution
BigBang CI/Infra
- automated maintenance for dogfood - &101 (closed)
- Vendor IAC - &40
BigBang Core
- ATO Engineering and Documentation (research spike) - &72 (closed)
- BB Library Chart - &89 (closed)
- Twistlock/Prisma Cloud Compute Operator - &115 (closed)
- Twistlock Policies for Applications &81
- Just the research spike about how we'd decompose and execute on this.
- license for helm charts / 'licensing expectations' - &154 (closed) (need vault)
- Create Dedicated Gitlab Runners - &124 (blocked by lack of AWS account)
Display by
Burndown chart
Burnup chart
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- confluence · StatefulSet does not specify image tag
Nexus Repository Manager ·
VirtualService `hosts:` improvements
#24 1
- minio-operator · Update README based on go template from gluon
- Pipeline Templates · Terminating pod logic is error prone
- bigbang · Falco Research Spike (Twistlock Feature Comparison)
- bigbang · Single Node Loki (Part III)
- minio · Minio Communications Update
- bigbang · Falco Research Spike (Deployment, Updating, Integrating)
- Sonarqube · Set pull policy for admin password hook job
- bigbang · Velero plugin containers `imagePullPolicy` override
- gitlab · Gitlab-Exporter image is missing from the latest image.txt
- minio-operator · `imagePullSecrets` in wrong place in `values.yaml`
- gitlab · Add Apache 2 License to root of Gitlab chart
- bigbang · Add helm values for Monitoring `ImagePullPolicy`
- bigbang · Add helm values for Logging `ImagePullPolicy`
- bigbang · Istio Gateway Servers block templating does noting
- Nexus Repository Manager · Update README based on go template from gluon
- Pipeline Templates · Package Release CI Improvements for Dependencies
- fluentbit · Renovate: Upgrade Fluentbit Package Dependencies
- bigbang · BBv1.17.0 new authservice breaks authentication on customer Application
- bigbang · Create new .yml file in pipeline_template for 3rd party pipeline
- bigbang · Enforce KeepAChangelog in package pipelines
- bigbang · Document product integration for integrating with object storage
- confluence · Confluence uses deprecated Istio API Versions
- Argocd · Update Argo Cypress test to work in BB CI
- Twistlock · twistlock - rename hostname to domain
- Argocd · ArgoCD - rename hostname to domain
- bigbang · Docs: Reduce choices in developer docs
- bigbang · Release 1.22.0
- bigbang · Investigate Istio Canary Upgrades for Big Bang
- bigbang · Images in release artifacts adds images from the BB release pipeline as well