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Consolidate Flux Install

Zachariah Dzielinski requested to merge issue-11 into master


Helper script help text:

> ./scripts/install_flux.sh --help
usage: install_flux.sh <arguments>
-h|--help              - print this help message and exit
-r|--registry-url      - (optional: default: registry1.dso.mil) registry url to use, must match flux manifest content
-u|--registry-username - (required) registry username to use for flux installation
-p|--registry-password - (required) registry password to use for flux installation
-e|--registry-email    - (required) registry email to use for flux installation
-w|--wait-timeout      - (optional, default: 120) how long to wait; in seconds, for each key flux resource component

Example of 00_deploy_flux.sh:

> ./scripts/install_flux.sh \
>   --registry-username 'robot$bigbang' \
>   --registry-password "$REGISTRY1_PASSWORD" \
>   --registry-email bigbang@bigbang.dev 
Edited by runyontr

Merge request reports