upgrade anchore version
- Bump Anchore Helm chart to 1.12.7
- Bump Anchore Engine image to 0.9.3
- Bump Anchore Enterprise image to 3.0.2
Closes #281 (closed)
Merge request reports
changed milestone to %1.4.0
added anchore statusreview labels
mentioned in issue #281 (closed)
added statusdoing label and removed statusreview label
Something went wrong with the cypress test in anchore-api-health.spec.js. Need to investigate
- Resolved by bhearn
The cypress test is failing in the pipeline upgrade job due to an issue where the Anchore helm release is changing to
Ready: True
prematurely while the old pods are still terminating (thus why the GET request is returning 'unhealthy').The
disableWait: true
option was set (see commit here) in anchore-helmrelease.yaml in order to allow Anchore Enterprise upgrades to succeed. Without the disableWait option, the upgrade enters into a deadlock state.This is a known issue in the upstream Anchore helm chart (see here). Even though the pipeline job is failing, since the Anchore add-on is functioning properly could we create some sort of temporary workaround or ignore the failed cyprus test until an upstream patch is released? It is my understanding that cyprus tests were recently enabled.
added statusreview label and removed statusdoing label
mentioned in commit 14af1599
mentioned in issue #324 (closed)