Integrate kibana with google auth
Allows for additional SSO provider values to be passed along to es/kb. Adds an example for integrating with google auth in place of keycloak.
Closes #361 (closed).
Merge request reports
added logging statusreview labels
Relates to elasticsearch-kibana MR !35
- Resolved by Andrew Blanchard
Outstanding issue: the ES pods do not appear to restart when new SSO values are applied. The
secret is updated correctly, but that doesn't cause the pods to restart and the changes aren't automatically applied which can cause discrepancies between the Kibana login UI and the active ES SSO configuration.There is a similar (or identical?) issue on the es/kb repo side which may not be critical to resolve... but this one probably needs to be. When we update the SSO provider values through bb, that should be propagated out to runtime.
I tried adding a checksum annotation to the HR as follows, but I'm not sure that was that was the correct file/object to track:
annotations: checksum/values: {{ include (print $.Template.BasePath "/logging/elasticsearch-kibana/values.yaml") . | sha256sum }}
Definitely open to suggestions on this one..
added 102 commits
d7538cae...a797969b - 101 commits from branch
- 3d9579f0 - Merge branch 'master' into feature/361-integrate-kibana-with-google-auth
d7538cae...a797969b - 101 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 046d6208 - Updated elasticsearch values to nil check optional SSO fields to prevent...
added 1 commit
- 400f234a - Added a helper function to cleanup the nil checks on adding values in the...
added 1 commit
- 29251999 - Updated the 'addValueIfSet' helper func to utilize a 'kindIs "invalid"` check,...
added 1 commit
- 706732f7 - Added `logging.sso.cert_authorities` override.
added kindenhancement statusdoing labels and removed statusreview label
added 55 commits
706732f7...da85d58d - 54 commits from branch
- 73770b81 - Merge branch 'master' into feature/361-integrate-kibana-with-google-auth
706732f7...da85d58d - 54 commits from branch
changed milestone to %1.8.0
- Resolved by Andrew Blanchard
added 1 commit
- 4cc85fbc - Added missing fields to the google auth examples values.
- Resolved by Ryan Garcia
@ablanchard Can you bump the logging tag to "0.1.10-bb.0" since your package changes got merged. Also a rebase to master may be in order.
added 28 commits
4cc85fbc...c27fb7e2 - 26 commits from branch
- 73307a37 - Updated logging tag in values.yaml based on upstream merge.
- dae93d8c - Merge branch 'master' into feature/361-integrate-kibana-with-google-auth
4cc85fbc...c27fb7e2 - 26 commits from branch
added statusreview label and removed statusdoing label
- Automatically resolved by Ryan Garcia
added 1 commit
- 719f06ff - feat: Extraneous annotations on EK HR template
mentioned in commit 9442a13c
mentioned in issue #384 (closed)
mentioned in issue #424 (closed)
mentioned in issue #634 (closed)