SKIP UPGRADE elasticsearchKibana update to 1.18.0-bb.3
Package Merge Request
Package Changes
Package MR
big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana!295 (merged)
For Issue
Closes big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana#204 (closed)
Upgrade Notices
Elasticsearch Statefulsets Update Strategy are set to OnDelete, so in order for the changes in this package mr to take effect (i.e tunneling certificates/mtls handling through istio-proxy) 1) istio must be enabled and 2) the elasticsearch pods need to be manually deleted (for more information see kubernetes documentation on statefulsets updates strategies).
kubectl instructions
To get a list of pods that will need to be manually restarted run the following
kubectl get pod -n logging -l
If availability is important than you can manually do a rolling upgrade by deleting the pods one by one while waiting for them to restart kubectl delete pod <name of pods> -n logging
If availability is not important and you want to restart all the pods at once then run the following
kubectl delete pod -n logging -l
After restarting all the pods and confirming that the pods are back in a ready state, check that elasticsearch cluster health is green by running
kubectl get elasticsearch -n logging