elasticsearchKibana update to 1.20.0-bb.0
Package Merge Request
Package Changes
Package MR
big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana!315 (merged)
For Issue
Closes big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana#218 (closed) and big-bang/product/packages/elasticsearch-kibana#215 (closed)
Upgrade Notices
Important: If prometheuselasticsearchexporter
is enabled (metrics.enabled
to true) in the ElasticsearchKibana package, upgrading to 1.20.0bb.0
involves changes to immutable selector labels that requires the elasticsearchmetrics
deployment to be deleted before upgrading the release.
The ElasticsearchKibana autoRollingUpgrade
field in values.yaml can deploy a preupgrade
that automates the required deployment deletion without any additional steps by using a helm preupgrade
hook, so no additional actions is required. It should be noted, a brief outage is expected during upgrade while the elasticsearchmetrics
deployment is being rolled out.
However, if you would rather manually delete the elasticsearchmetrics
deployment prior to upgrade, then you would need to set the autoRollingUpgrade.enabled=false
in the values.yaml and follow steps outlined below. The below command assumes that the ElasticsearchKibana package is deployed in the default Big Bang logging
namespace for ElasticsearchKibana, one should look to confirm the namespace of their ElasticsearchKibana deployment:
kubectl delete deploy l app=metrics n logging
Once the resources have been deleted, you can upgrade the release.