Bumping up again as there were quite a few issues with existing tests:
Registration of the user doesn't actually verify the user was created. If the user fails to get created for registration the test still succeeded. For example, if you receive a 422 upon submitting for the creation of the user, the test still passes.
If the user cannot be created for registration because it already exists, it succeeds leading the user to believe it was able to successfully register a new user even though that is not the case.
The test that approves the newly created user assumes there will only ever be one user present in the list of users awaiting approval which may not always be the case for bb users causing the test to be inaccurate or possibly approve a user the test did not create.
The creation of the project won't happen if there are any gitlab projects at all in gitlab which will most definitely be the case for the majority of bb users using gitlab.
None of the test resources are removed after the test completes so subsequent tests will simply succeed because the initial test was able to succeed.
Bumping weight one more time as a new issue has now come to light. It appears the scripting portion of the test for gitlab and the cypress portion of the test are interdependent in that the script uses the resources created by cypress. Will try and meet with the mission team for this and see how they want to handle that as it doesn't seem right for the tests to be se dependent on one another in this way.
For now, commented out new code and put tests back to the original way, but using shared commands. UI Tests will need to be revisited once the above issue is completed.