Attention Iron Bank Customers: On March 27, 2025, we are moving SBOM artifacts from the Anchore Scan job to the Build job to streamline the container hardening pipeline. If you currently download SBOMs from the Anchore Scan job, you can still get them from the Build job and from other sources, including IBFE and image attestations.
The fluentbit auth policy gets generated even though I don't have fluentbit enabled. I looked at the logic here but I also do not have .Values.istio.hardened.fluentbit.enabled so not entirely sure why or how it's generating the policy, but we need to take a look and remediate it.
@jeffv it looks like istio.hardened.fluentbit.enabled is true by default, but only really comes into play with istio.enabled and istio.hardened.enabled are also set to true. This is also the case with several other authpol integrations within loki for monitoring, promtail, and minio.
Is there a security concern for creating the auth policy even in cases where no workload matches its selectors? It doesn't seem like this auth policy getting created is actually causing an issue. We can of course set these all to false by default and then create logic within big bang umbrella to set them to true according to their respective needs, but I'm not convinced that's worth the effort here. I know you have more context with the project though so I'd really be interested in your thoughts on this.
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