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mattermost-106: adding the clarifying documentation to deploy and test mm with elastic search...

Sean Thomas requested to merge mattermost-106 into main

General MR


Part of this MR is figuring out how to deploy Mattermost.

Here were the main issues I found:

  1. It was not clear the -b is required on the k3d deploy because mattermost will run out of memmory.
  2. overrides file needs to be placed and run in the helm upgrade step
  3. we need policy overrides and ingress-certs -f chart/values.yaml -f ignore/mattermost.yaml -f ./docs/assets/configs/example/policy-overrides-k3d.yaml -f chart/ingress-certs.yaml
  4. System console step is AFTER you have MM running
  5. You will need to verify chat.bigbang.dev working from /etc/hosts
  6. Enterprise enabled must be commented out until after you have created a license.

Using @andrewshoell example overrides file and putting it in the documentation so it's not tied to his account. The file is called: mattermost.exapmle.yaml

Putting in the system-console.png file as I was confused what a system console was. Let's make it clear for others as well who deploy.

Relevant logs/screenshots

System console looks like this:


Linked Issue

relates to ECK/Grafana not working Closes #106 (closed)

Upgrade Notices


Edited by Jacob Ortiz

Merge request reports
