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SKIP UPGRADE CHECK #155 : Upgrade builtin Postgresql to Postgresql 12

Andrew Kesterson requested to merge 155_once_more_into_the_breech into main

General MR


Upgrades the builtin postgresql version for mattermost from 10.x to 12.x for compliance.

Relevant logs/screenshots

See pipelines. It is expected that this upgrade will fail because of the documented issues discovered in #155.

Helm installing mattermost/chart into mattermost namespace using mattermost/tests/test-values.yaml for values
++ helm upgrade -i --wait --timeout 600s mattermost chart -n mattermost -f tests/test-values.yml --set istio.enabled=false
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: execution error at (mattermost/charts/postgresql/templates/secrets.yaml:23:16): 
PASSWORDS ERROR: The secret "mattermost-postgresql" does not contain the key "password"

Upgrading of postgresql pods using the builtin postgresql module is unsupported and expected to fail in every instance. In cases where the builtin bitnami postgresql chart is being updated, only clean install can be expected to work, and upgrade is expected to fail with postgres related errors.

Linked Issue

#155 (closed)

Upgrade Notices

Postgresql using the builtin bitnami module does not upgrade gracefully. You must manually backup and restore your database before accepting this upgrade. Using the builtin postgresql module is not a supported configuration in production environments.

Edited by Andrew Kesterson

Merge request reports
