Deployment of mattermost
Upstream Release Notes
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annotations: |
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- [and our upstream application release notes here](https://another-link-here/
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- Kubernetes Cluster deployed
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- Helm installed
Kubernetes: >=1.12.0-0
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helm install mattermost chart/
Key | Type | Default | Description |
domain | string | "" |
istio.enabled | bool | false |
Toggle istio integration |
istio.hardened.enabled | bool | false |
istio.hardened.customAuthorizationPolicies | list | [] |
istio.hardened.outboundTrafficPolicyMode | string | "REGISTRY_ONLY" |
istio.hardened.customServiceEntries | list | [] |
istio.hardened.clusterAuditor.enabled | bool | false |
istio.hardened.clusterAuditor.namespace | string | "cluster-auditor" |
istio.hardened.minioOperator.enabled | bool | true |
istio.hardened.minioOperator.namespaces[0] | string | "minio-operator" |
istio.hardened.minioOperator.principals[0] | string | "cluster.local/ns/minio-operator/sa/minio-operator" |
istio.hardened.monitoring.enabled | bool | true |
istio.hardened.monitoring.namespaces[0] | string | "monitoring" |
istio.hardened.monitoring.principals[0] | string | "cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-grafana" |
istio.hardened.monitoring.principals[1] | string | "cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-monitoring-kube-alertmanager" |
istio.hardened.monitoring.principals[2] | string | "cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-monitoring-kube-operator" |
istio.hardened.monitoring.principals[3] | string | "cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-monitoring-kube-prometheus" |
istio.hardened.monitoring.principals[4] | string | "cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-monitoring-kube-state-metrics" |
istio.hardened.monitoring.principals[5] | string | "cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-monitoring-prometheus-node-exporter" |
istio.hardened.kyvernoReporter.enabled | bool | false |
istio.hardened.kyvernoReporter.namespace | string | "kyverno-reporter" |
istio.mtls | object | {"mode":"STRICT"} |
Default peer authentication |
istio.mtls.mode | string | "STRICT" |
STRICT = Allow only mutual TLS traffic, PERMISSIVE = Allow both plain text and mutual TLS traffic | | bool | true |
| | object | {} |
| | object | {} |
|[0] | string | "istio-system/main" |
|[0] | string | "chat.{{ .Values.domain }}" |
istio.injection | string | "disabled" |
ingress | object | {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"host":"","tlsSecret":""} |
Specification to configure an Ingress with Mattermost |
monitoring.enabled | bool | false |
monitoring.namespace | string | "monitoring" |
monitoring.serviceMonitor.scheme | string | "http" |
monitoring.serviceMonitor.tlsConfig | object | {} |
networkPolicies.enabled | bool | false |
| | string | "istio-ingressgateway" |
networkPolicies.ingressLabels.istio | string | "ingressgateway" |
networkPolicies.controlPlaneCidr | string | "" |
networkPolicies.additionalPolicies | list | [] |
sso.enabled | bool | false |
sso.client_id | string | "platform1_a8604cc9-f5e9-4656-802d-d05624370245_bb8-mattermost" |
sso.client_secret | string | "nothing" |
sso.auth_endpoint | string | "" |
sso.token_endpoint | string | "" |
sso.user_api_endpoint | string | "" |
sso.enable_sign_up_with_email | bool | false |
sso.enable_sign_in_with_email | bool | false |
sso.enable_sign_in_with_username | bool | false |
| | string | "" |
image.tag | string | "10.4.2" |
image.imagePullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
global.imagePullSecrets[0].name | string | "private-registry" |
replicaCount | int | 1 |
users | string | nil |
enterprise.enabled | bool | false |
enterprise.license | string | "" |
nameOverride | string | "" |
updateJob.disabled | bool | true |
Must be disabled when Istio injected |
updateJob.labels | object | {} |
updateJob.annotations | object | {} |
resources.limits.cpu | int | 2 |
resources.limits.memory | string | "4Gi" |
resources.requests.cpu | int | 2 |
resources.requests.memory | string | "4Gi" |
affinity | object | {} |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
tolerations | object | {} |
mattermostEnvs | object | {} |
existingSecretEnvs | object | {} |
volumes | object | {} |
volumeMounts | object | {} |
podLabels | object | {} |
Pod labels for Mattermost server pods |
podAnnotations | object | {} |
Pod annotations for Mattermost server pods |
securityContext | object | {"runAsGroup":2000,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":2000} |
securityContext for Mattermost server pods |
containerSecurityContext | object | {"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]},"runAsGroup":2000,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":2000} |
containerSecurityContext for Mattermost server containers |
minio.install | bool | false |
minio.bucketCreationImage | string | "" |
minio.service.nameOverride | string | "minio.mattermost.svc.cluster.local" |
| | string | "mattermost-objstore-creds" |
minio.tenant.configSecret.accessKey | string | "minio" |
minio.tenant.configSecret.secretKey | string | "minio123" |
minio.tenant.metrics.enabled | bool | false |
minio.tenant.metrics.port | int | 9000 |
minio.tenant.buckets[0].name | string | "mattermost" |
postgresql.install | bool | false |
postgresql.image.registry | string | "" |
postgresql.image.repository | string | "opensource/postgres/postgresql" |
postgresql.image.tag | string | "17.2" |
postgresql.image.pullSecrets[0] | string | "private-registry" |
postgresql.auth.username | string | "mattermost" |
postgresql.auth.password | string | "bigbang" |
postgresql.auth.database | string | "mattermost" |
postgresql.fullnameOverride | string | "mattermost-postgresql" |
postgresql.securityContext.fsGroup | int | 26 |
postgresql.containerSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 26 |
postgresql.containerSecurityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
postgresql.containerSecurityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
postgresql.volumePermissions.enabled | bool | false |
postgresql.volumePermissions.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
postgresql.postgresqlConfiguration.listen_addresses | string | "*" |
postgresql.pgHbaConfiguration | string | "local all all md5\nhost all all all md5" |
database.secret | string | "" |
database.readinessCheck.disableDefault | bool | true |
database.readinessCheck.image | string | "" |
database.readinessCheck.command[0] | string | "/bin/sh" |
database.readinessCheck.command[1] | string | "-c" |
database.readinessCheck.command[2] | string | "until pg_isready --dbname=\"$DB_CONNECTION_CHECK_URL\"; do echo waiting for database; sleep 5; done;" |
database.readinessCheck.env[0].name | string | "DB_CONNECTION_CHECK_URL" |
database.readinessCheck.env[0].valueFrom.secretKeyRef.key | string | "DB_CONNECTION_CHECK_URL" |
database.readinessCheck.env[0] | string | "{{ .Values.database.secret | default (printf \"%s-dbcreds\" (include \"mattermost.fullname\" .)) }}" |
fileStore.secret | string | "" |
fileStore.url | string | "" |
fileStore.bucket | string | "" |
fileStore.roleARN | string | "" |
elasticsearch.enabled | bool | false |
elasticsearch.connectionurl | string | "https://logging-ek-es-http.logging.svc.cluster.local:9200" |
elasticsearch.username | string | "" |
elasticsearch.password | string | "" |
elasticsearch.enableindexing | bool | true |
elasticsearch.indexprefix | string | "mm-" |
elasticsearch.skiptlsverification | bool | true |
elasticsearch.bulkindexingtimewindowseconds | int | 3600 |
elasticsearch.sniff | bool | false |
elasticsearch.enablesearching | bool | true |
elasticsearch.enableautocomplete | bool | true |
openshift | bool | false |
resourcePatch | object | {} |
bbtests.enabled | bool | false |
bbtests.cypress.artifacts | bool | true |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_url | string | "http://mattermost.mattermost.svc.cluster.local:8065" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_mm_email | string | "" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_mm_user | string | "bigbang" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_mm_password | string | "Bigbang#123" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_waittime | string | "5000" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_tnr_username | string | "cypress" |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_tnr_password | string | "tnr_w!G33ZyAt@C8" |
bbtests.cypress.resources.requests.cpu | string | "2" |
bbtests.cypress.resources.requests.memory | string | "1500M" |
bbtests.cypress.resources.limits.cpu | string | "2" |
bbtests.cypress.resources.limits.memory | string | "1500M" |
waitJob.enabled | bool | true |
waitJob.scripts.image | string | "" |
waitJob.permissions.apiGroups[0] | string | "" |
waitJob.permissions.resources[0] | string | "mattermosts" |
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