Brian Jackson authoredBrian Jackson authored
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Grafana Mimir
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helm install mimir chart/
Key | Type | Default | Description |
mimir-distributed | object | Our overrides are defined in charts/values.yaml file. | See https://github.com/grafana/mimir/blob/main/operations/helm/charts/mimir-distributed/values.yaml for available values. |
minio-tenant | object | {"address":"minio.mimir.svc.cluster.local","enabled":false,"tenant":{"buckets":[{"name":"mimir"}],"configSecret":{"accessKey":"minio","name":"mimir-objstore-creds","secretKey":"minio123"},"defaultUserCredentials":{"password":"supersecret","username":"mimir-user"},"metrics":{"enabled":false,"memory":"128M","port":9000},"pools":[{"containerSecurityContext":{"capabilities":{"drop":["ALL"]}},"labels":{"app":"minio","app.kubernetes.io/name":"minio"},"name":"pool-0","securityContext":{"fsGroup":1001,"runAsGroup":1001,"runAsUser":1001},"servers":1,"size":"750Mi","volumesPerServer":4}],"users":[{"name":"mimir-user-credentials"}]},"waitJob":{"enabled":false}} |
Configuration for the Big Bang MinIO tenant subchart. See repo https://repo1.dso.mil/big-bang/product/packages/minio for configuring values.yaml |
minio-tenant.enabled | bool | false |
Enable MinIO instance support, must have minio-operator installed |
minio-tenant.tenant.configSecret | object | {"accessKey":"minio","name":"mimir-objstore-creds","secretKey":"minio123"} |
MinIO root credentials |
minio-tenant.tenant.buckets | list | [{"name":"mimir"}] |
Buckets to be provisioned to for tenant |
minio-tenant.tenant.users | list | [{"name":"mimir-user-credentials"}] |
Name of the Secret that will contain the defaultUserCredentials generated for Tenant User |
minio-tenant.tenant.defaultUserCredentials | object | {"password":"supersecret","username":"mimir-user"} |
User credentials to create as a secret for above user. Otherwise password is randomly generated. This auth is not required to be set or reclaimed for minio use with mimir |
networkPolicies.enabled | bool | true |
Toggle networkPolicies |
networkPolicies.controlPlaneCidr | string | "" |
Control Plane CIDR, defaults to, use kubectl get endpoints -n default kubernetes to get the CIDR range needed for your cluster Must be an IP CIDR range (x.x.x.x/x - ideally with /32 for the specific IP of a single endpoint, broader range for multiple masters/endpoints) Used by package NetworkPolicies to allow Kube API access |
networkPolicies.additionalPolicies | list | [] |
networkPolicies.egress | object | {} |
istio.enabled | bool | false |
Toggle istio configuration |
istio.hardened | object | {"alloy":{"enabled":true,"namespaces":["monitoring"],"principals":["cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-alloy"]},"customAuthorizationPolicies":[],"customServiceEntries":[],"enabled":false,"grafana":{"enabled":true,"namespaces":["monitoring"],"principals":["cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-grafana"]},"minio":{"enabled":true},"minioOperator":{"enabled":true,"namespaces":["minio-operator"],"principals":["cluster.local/ns/minio-operator/sa/minio-operator"]},"outboundTrafficPolicyMode":"REGISTRY_ONLY","prometheus":{"enabled":true,"namespaces":["monitoring"],"principals":["cluster.local/ns/monitoring/sa/monitoring-monitoring-kube-prometheus"]}} |
Default peer authentication values |
istio.mtls.mode | string | "STRICT" |
STRICT = Allow only mutual TLS traffic, PERMISSIVE = Allow both plain text and mutual TLS traffic |
bbtests.enabled | bool | false |
bbtests.cypress.enabled | bool | true |
bbtests.cypress.artifacts | bool | true |
bbtests.cypress.envs.cypress_grafana_url | string | "http://monitoring-grafana.monitoring.svc.cluster.local" |
bbtests.cypress.scripts.image | string | "registry1.dso.mil/ironbank/big-bang/base:2.1.0" |
bbtests.cypress.scripts.envs.MIMIR_URL | string | "http://mimir-mimir-distributor.mimir.svc:8080" |
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