S3 default config results in needless comms around the world
By default, when using the AWS S3 config the application sends traffic to every region around the world creating what is an alarming traffic pattern to attentive cyber security teams. This recently resulted in some significant time investment from a variety of teams across multiple forces. It'd be really great if the Velero helm charts somehow enforced the use of region when using S3 to prevent this pattern.
The items needing to be set are here. It may also be beneficial to recommend the use of AWS S3 Endpoints in those VPC to reduce traffic outside the relevant VPC and overall noise. I believe that increases speed as well in many scenarios (not having to pass through CNAP for example so at the speed of native AWS routing).
configuration.backupStorageLocation.config.region: us-gov-west-1
configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation.config.region: us-gov-west-1
It is my hope that this would save a bunch of time in the long run by enforcing this as a best practice.