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Support Openscap OVALs and ContentAsCode 0.1.73

Chad Geary requested to merge openscap-findings into master

enabling support for OpenSCAP OVAL scans separate from OpenSCAP XCCDF scans (OVALs are CVE checks)


  • ComplianceAsCode (0.1.73) removed the XCCDF baked-in OVALs for rhel, breaking ironbank-modules
  • now support OVAL scans for debian and ubuntu, not just redhat and suse
  • replaced xml parser by converting the xmls to native dictionaries, no need for a special xml parser library
  • the openscap-scan job now outputs artifacts for vat and generate-documentation jobs instead of parsing the xml multiple times
  • removed generate-documentation's use of ironbank-module openscap xml module which downloads rhel/suse ovals from the internet as artifacts every pipeline if a cve is found (this can happen 100s of times if a new CVE appears)

tested with alpine and ubi using new images (see dependent MRs):

side note:

  • added variables for check-findings / robotnik to aid development
Edited by Chad Geary

Merge request reports