Project 'platform-one/big-bang/bigbang' was moved to 'big-bang/bigbang'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
Git Credentials secret name not consistent
[git@ip-10-121-133-249 umbrella]$ kubectl get secrets -A | grep git
bigbang bigbang-git-credentials Opaque 3 20s
[git@ip-10-121-133-249 umbrella]$ kubectl edit -n bigbang bigbang-git-credentials
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "bigbang-git-credentials"
[git@ip-10-121-133-249 umbrella]$ kubectl edit secret -n bigbang bigbang-git-credentials
Edit cancelled, no changes made.
[git@ip-10-121-133-249 umbrella]$ flux get sources git -A
bigbang argocd False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang authservice False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang cluster-auditor False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang eck-operator False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang elasticsearch-kibana False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang fluentbit False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang gatekeeper False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang istio-controlplane False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang istio-operator False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang monitoring False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found False
bigbang twistlock False auth secret error: Secret "git-credentials" not found
Looks like the mismatch is below.
[git@ip-10-121-133-249 templates]$ grep -R git-credentials *
git-credentials.yaml: name: {{ $.Release.Name }}-git-credentials
_helpers.tpl:{{- /* Input validation happens in git-credentials.yaml template */ -}}
_helpers.tpl: name: git-credentials