Attention Iron Bank Customers: On March 27, 2025, we are moving SBOM artifacts from the Anchore Scan job to the Build job to streamline the container hardening pipeline. If you currently download SBOMs from the Anchore Scan job, you can still get them from the Build job and from other sources, including IBFE and image attestations.
created release candidate branch release-1.1 from current master
updated dogfood repo to track off HEAD of release-1.1
ensured bigbang upgrade on dogfood cluster was successful (strictly from k8s perspective for now), document anything relevant found during upgrade on this issue
create RDS for mysql and postgresql with terraform/terragrunt
create databases within the provisioned rds to support all the applications that need databases
# Run postgresql pod (with psql client) in the bigbang namespace and connect it to the external databasekubectl run postgresql-postgresql-client --rm--tty-i--restart='Never'--namespace bigbang --image --overrides='{ "spec": { "imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "private-registry"}] } }'--env="PGPASSWORD=$DB_PASSWORD"--command-- psql --host$DB_HOST-U$DB_USERNAME-d$DB_NAME-p 5432# Create the applications databaseCREATE DATABASE $DBNAME;CREATE USER $DB_USER WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '$DB_PASSWORD';GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE $DBNAME to $DB_USER;# Ensure proper extensions are enabled for gitlabCREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_trgm;CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS btree_gist;CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS plpgsql;
create s3 buckets for applications that need object storage via terraofmr/terragrunt, also create iam user with accesskey/secretkey who can access the s3 buckets
documenting anything relevant during upgrade below:
minio/minio-operator (or any new namespace) originally tried to pull from for istio sidecar images, but after ~10m post istio controlplane reconciliation, it changed and things came up healthy
bigbang values.yaml changed to no longer include registryCredentials.registry:, customers not explicitly defining this will need to do so
flux incorrectly caches charts sometimes, can be resolved by deleting the {kustomize,source,helm}-controller pod from the flux-system namespace and bouncing the bigbang helm release
argocd with sops support is not included in this release, afaik the container we're using still doesn't have sops or the plugins that PB needs
authservice requires adding the certificate authority of the keycloak being used for SSO
artifacts cannot be uploaded via gitlab runner, general issues with the IB gitlab-runner container, not going to make it into 1.1 but issue tracked via #143 (closed)
#63 (closed): Fix bug with elasticsearch failing to start due to invalid file permissions
#49 (closed): Add consistent labels to authservice deployment
#32 (closed): Add support for PodAntiAffinity and NodeAffinity for elasticsearch deployments
#6 (closed): Add support for new elasticsearch cluster node types
#16 (closed): Fix bug with incorrect git credentials being created when specifying a private repository
#66 (closed): Fix bug with EnvoyFilter being applied in the wrong non-global namespace
#99 (closed): Fix bug that allowed for incorrect ImagePullSecrets to be created when providing incomplete credentials
Known Issues
The following issues are known issues that are currently being addressed that will be fixed in future releases.
#147 (closed): Gitlab Runner version mismatch with Gitlab may cause some discrepancies related to features that exist "server side" vs those that exist "client side"
#13 (closed): Airgap deployments require this workaround to correctly resolve chart dependencies.
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