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BULL-1202 | Include Pipeline Name in Project Card View

Baban Faraj requested to merge BULL-1202 into master

I updated the ProjectsSummary.vue file to include the Pipeline name which allows us to follow this design: https://www.figma.com/file/WGrO0RhQROrJkTHxe7HOFi/P1-Launchboard?node-id=2478%3A0.

I have also added additional updates to when the Skeleton Loader is set to true. Once the refresh button is pressed, the Skeleton Loader runs. I also made the column amount for project cards configurable for large screens so we can have different column amounts in the project view or the user launchboard view.

This merge request must be merged in parallel with the Launchboard-be merge request: launchboard-be!179 (merged)

Edited by Baban Faraj

Merge request reports