Grafana-Loki No Private Ip Address Found
Describe the problem, what were you doing when you noticed the bug?
Attempting to use NAT'd public subnets; loki appears to not have a good way of handling this without adding in additional configurations. This is something we can make easier for the customer.
level=error ts=2024-05-21T22:17:19.78109034Z caller=loki.go:517 msg="module failed" module=ruler error="failed to start ruler, because it depends on module index-gateway-ring, which has failed: context canceled"
level=error ts=2024-05-21T22:17:19.781095067Z caller=loki.go:517 msg="module failed" module=runtime-config error="context canceled"
level=error ts=2024-05-21T22:17:19.781127277Z caller=loki.go:517 msg="module failed" module=ring error="failed to start ring, because it depends on module memberlist-kv, which has failed: invalid service state: Failed, expected: Running, failure: invalid service state: Failed, expected: Running, failure: service &{0xc0005db360 { true 10000000000 4 30000000000 200000000 3 30000000000 0 true 7946 false [logging-loki-memberlist] 1000000000 60000000000 10 false 0 300000000000 20000000000 0 {[] 7946 2000000000 5000000000 false loki false { false <nil>}} loki [{ringDesc 0xead6e0} {}]} 0xc00188c0a0 0x43b1820 0xc000ac02a0 {[] {[] 0}} <nil> <nil> {0 0} map[] map[ringDesc:{ringDesc 0xead6e0} usagestats.jsonCodec:{}] {0 0} map[] map[] {0 0} [] 0 [] 0 0 {0 0} map[] 0xc0008b0fc0 0xc0004e63c0 0xc0004e6480 0xc0004e6540 0xc0004e6600 0xc0004e6840 0xc0004e66c0 0xc0004e6900 0xc0004e6780 0xc0008d32c0 0xc0008d3300 0xc0004e6a80 0xc0004e6b40 0xc0004e6cc0 0xc0004e6c00 0xc000892580 0xc000ac1a40 0xc000892570 0xc000892578 0xc0008d3340 0xc0008d3380 10} failed: failed to create memberlist: Failed to get final advertise address: no private IP address found, and explicit IP not provided"
level=error ts=2024-05-21T22:17:19.781133218Z caller=loki.go:517 msg="module failed" module=compactor error="failed to start compact
Provide any steps possible used to reproduce the error (ideally in an isolated fashion). Use a Public Subnet, the problems and solutions are described in the following articles
BigBang Version
What version of BigBang were you running?
This can be retrieved multiple ways:
# via helm
helm ls -n bigbang
# via the deployed umbrella git tag
kubectl get gitrepository -n bigbang