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Renovate.json update for gluon

Cody Williams requested to merge renovate-config into main

General MR


Updated managers to correctly find gluon updates. This will not update Minio versions automatically, but that information will need to be included in the Dev/Maintenance guide. We can't simply Renovate minio/minio or minio/mc to latest, as Minio is consumed based on the minio-instance dependency, which has specific tags that the chart updates were tested against. #106 (closed) should address Dev/Maint needs

Relevant logs/screenshots

https://repo1.dso.mil/cwilliams68067/renovate-test/-/issues/30 Rate limiting is messing with its ability to generate MRs right now, but the info is in the issue.

Linked Issue

#103 (closed)

Upgrade Notices


Merge request reports